Urology Treatments

Urology Department

Urology is the medical science that studies the female and male urinary tract and male reproductive organs. The diagnosis and treatment of all diseases related to organs such as kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra, testicles, penis, scrotum and prostate gland fall under the specialty of urology clinics. Urology specialists serving in these units are physicians who have received a five-year urology residency training after six years of medical education. At the same time, urologists working in urology clinics, which is one of the branches of surgical medicine, may also perform surgical interventions for diagnosis and treatment, when necessary.

In our urology departments, where the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the male reproductive system and urinary system and disorders due to anatomical or physiological causes are performed, our specialist physician staff and experienced health personnel work. Diseases diagnosed with state-of-the-art methods in our hospitals; It is treated with methods such as medical treatments, endoscopic applications, open or laparoscopic surgical operations and robotic surgery. Kidney stone treatment with camera system (Retrograde Intrarenal Surgery-RIRIC), closed kidney stone surgery (PNL system) and ESWL application (lithotripsy) are among the applications performed in our urology clinics. Renal cancers, adrenal gland (adrenal-adrenal) related diseases, ureteral diseases, bladder, prostate and testicular diseases are treated by our specialist physicians.


Our diagnostic methods used before the treatment plan is determined in our urology clinics are as follows.


  • Computed Tomography (CT)

Computed tomography is the process of creating three-dimensional images of bones, as well as soft tissues and vessels, by combining X-ray images taken from multiple angles. While the patient is lying on a table, the tomography device continuously rotates around him detects images. In order for the three-dimensional image to be obtained to be clearer, the patient who will undergo computer tomography should not have any material other than the patient's gown. The materials on the patient will affect the rays and cause the image to deteriorate. Again, in order for the image to be clear, the patient should remain still during the procedure. Because computed tomography emits a high rate of radiation, pregnant women or those with suspected pregnancy are not taken to computed tomography. Imaging of stones in kidney, ureter and bladder, investigation of tumors related to urinary system and male reproductive organs and traumas related to these organs are the most preferred situations in urology clinics.


  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

The process of imaging organs or tissues in the body using radio waves and magnetic field is called MRI. Since radio waves are used instead of radiation beams in MR technique, it can be used safely in many patients. Even during pregnancy, MRI can be performed if deemed appropriate by the physician. MR imaging can be used to detect many diseases that fall under the specialty of urology clinics. It can be preferred in the diagnosis and follow-up of all cancers related to the urinary system and male reproductive organs, especially prostate cancer and benign prostate enlargement. A healthy image cannot be obtained as metal items on the patient will affect the magnetic field during the application. For this reason, the patient should only apply with a gown or should prefer underwear that has no metal material on it.


  • Ultrasound (Urinary USG, Doppler USG, Transrectal USG)

Ultrasound is an imaging technique used to examine and view organs inside the body, especially in the abdominal cavity. Ultrasound technique is used in the diagnosis of various diseases, in the treatment of these diseases and in biopsy procedures. Ultrasound has not been found to be harmful to the body and is commonly used to monitor baby development during pregnancy. In addition, it is also used for the examination of soft tissue and the detection of cardiovascular diseases. In urology clinics, Cranrectal USG (TRUS) for the detection of diseases such as prostate gland cancer and benign prostate enlargement, Urinary USG for the investigation of all kinds of diseases related to the urinary system, and Doppler USG methods, which allow the examination of vessels in tumors and similar structures detected in these regions, are frequently used.

  • Urodynamics Test

The urodynamic test, which is used to measure bladder functions, is performed by recording the events that occur during evacuation in the bladder, which is filled with liquid with the help of a catheter, with a computer. The recorded data are examined by specialist physicians and interpreted in terms of detection of bladder diseases. Events recorded with a computer can also inform the specialist in terms of urinary tract infection. Urodynamics can be applied to diagnose the complications that may occur after treatment in urinary incontinence diseases and prostate diseases. The urodynamic test is also frequently used in patients with problems such as frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and difficulty urinating.


  • Voiding Cystourethrography (VSUG)

The medical technique that allows visualization of the bladder and urinary ducts during evacuation by injecting contrast material into the bladder through a catheter is called the Voiding Cystourethrography method. It is generally used in cases where urine escapes backwards from the urinary canals. If urine escapes from the ducts and is not treated on time, it may start to affect the kidneys and pave the way for the formation of serious diseases. This condition, medically known as vesicoureteral reflux, also causes enlargement of the kidneys. While applying the VSUG method for the diagnosis of the disease, metal materials should not be present on the patient as it will affect the X-rays sent to the bladder. For this reason, it should be ensured that there are no metal parts in the patient's clothes before the procedure.


  • Laboratory Examinations

In urology clinics, blood and urine tests are also widely used for the diagnosis of diseases. Changes in blood and urine inform the specialist about the patient's condition and shed light on the determination of the treatment process. Sperm analysis, search for tumor markers, bacteria and virus scans, investigation of various proteins and enzymes are just a few of the laboratory tests frequently used in urology clinics. Apart from these, samples taken from different parts of the body can be sent to the relevant laboratories for examination in order to evaluate any other parameters that may be affected by urological diseases.


  • PSA Test

PSA, called Prostate Specific Antigen, is produced in the prostate and regulates the fluidity of semen in men. PSA circulates in the blood, albeit in small amounts. In case of abnormal functioning of the prostate, the amount of PSA passed into the blood is affected. In the presence of any disease related to the prostate gland, an increase in the level of PSA in the blood is usually observed. PSA test is the examination of the blood sample to be taken from the patient in the laboratory environment. Since the patient's being full or hungry will not affect the PSA ratio in the blood, a blood test can be performed in both cases. PSA test is used in the process of investigating all kinds of diseases related to the prostate.


  • Prostate Biopsy

Prostate biopsy is the process of taking a piece of the prostate through special medical equipment. Although PSA test tumor markers provide information about prostate diseases, the most definitive diagnosis of prostate cancer can be made by evaluating the biopsy results. After the piece taken from the prostate interacts with various chemicals, it is examined and evaluated under the microscope. According to the results obtained, the pathologist makes the diagnosis. Since the diagnosis to be made at an early stage plays an important role in the treatment of the patient, prostate biopsy should be performed without delay in all patients with prostate cancer symptoms.


If you suffer from any disease that falls under the specialty of urology clinics, have symptoms related to these diseases or want to undergo a routine urology examination, you can apply to our urology clinics. With detailed examinations and diagnostic tests to be performed by specialist physicians, you can diagnose possible diseases and prevent more serious problems that may occur in the future by starting your treatment process as soon as possible.

Call us for detailed information: +90 242 247 47 37

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