Hair Transplant

Hair transplant, Turkish hair transplant

Hair transplantation with the DHI method is a procedure performed under local anesthesia with or without shave. Hair follicles collected from the donor area are transplanted into the hairless area without opening a canal by means of a special needle pen.

What is hair transplant?

Hair transplantation is the process of taking the hair follicle from the places where the hair does not fall, such as the nape and above the ears, and transferring it to the areas where there is no hair or where the hair is sparse. In this way, it is possible to find solutions to baldness, hair loss caused by burning and accident events. Transplanted hair starts to grow like natural hair and is permanent. Since anesthetics such as local anesthesia or sedation are used, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure. Depending on the technique applied, the experience of the physician, and the size of the area to be transplanted, the transplant times may vary. If the rate of balding is too high, hair transplantation can be done in more than one session. There are different techniques for hair transplantation. Brief information about these techniques and techniques is given below

Why does hair loss occur?

A healthy scalp contains approximately 100,000 hairs. It is considered normal to lose about 50-150 strands of hair per day. New hairs grow in place of these shed hairs. Especially due to genetic factors, hair follicles become thinner and baldness occurs by shedding hair. Hormonal changes, excessive stress, unbalanced and inadequate nutrition, exposure to chemical substances, hair growth disorder, systemic diseases, skin diseases, side effects of drugs, and constant exposure to heat can also cause baldness.

Although there are some applications that delay the hair loss process and protect the existing hair, the best and natural solution is hair transplantation. Hair transplantation can be applied to both women and men.

What are the general conditions for hair transplantation?

Hair transplantation can be done in the following cases.

  • If the physical development has been completed
  • If there is no disease that prevents hair transplantation or hair growth
  • If there are enough hair follicles with a suitable profile in the donor area on the head where hair transplantation will be performed.

What is a graft in hair transplantation? How many grafts should there be?

 One of the terms used in hair transplantation is 'graft'. Those who want to have transplantation often encounter this term. The graft should not be confused with the hair root. The graft contains hair follicles and a very small amount of skin. There are an average of 2 or 3 hairs in a graft. In other words, if there are 2000 grafts, it means that there are 4000 or 6000 hair follicles. 

Although the concept of graft is used in hair transplantation pricing around the world, graft-based pricing policy is not common in Turkey. In hair transplantation, usually 3000 grafts of hair transplantation are taken on average. This means approximately 7500 hair strands. Most centers that make this many grafts generally state that they have transplanted 7500 hairs. Although some centers state that more than 3000 grafts cannot be transplanted, if the donor area is sufficient, up to 7000 grafts can be transplanted with new technologies. However, collecting and planting such a large number of grafts is a very difficult and laborious task. As mentioned before, in general, 3000 grafts are transplanted. Since 3000 grafts will not be enough for people with completely bald hair, 2 or more sessions are required in such patients.

What are types of hair transplant?

  1. DHI method

DHI (Direct Hair Transplant) technique is a direct hair transplant procedure without any applications such as grooving in hair transplantation. Direct hair transplantation is also called hair transplantation with the pen method, hair tightening or unshaven hair transplantation. It is one of the new hair transplantation methods. This method is used together with the FUE hair transplant technique. The hair follicles collected one by one from the donor area using the FUE method are lined up one by one, counted and placed in the DHI device under sterile conditions and transplanted into the hairless area. It is a highly preferred method for hair transplantation with a low number of grafts, eyebrow transplantation and hair-beard thickening. Hair transplantation with the DHI technique takes an average of 6-8 hours. This period is shorter in the forehead narrowing process.

  1. FUT method

The Fut method (Follicular unit transplantation) is a technique that has found application since 1990. It is an unshaven hair transplant. However, only a very small area from which the strips will be removed is shaved. In this technique, which is older than other techniques, the scalp is removed from the donor area in rectangular strips with a small surgical procedure. The place where the strip is taken is closed with an aesthetic suture. Hair follicles are separated from the skin with the help of a sensitive microscope and kept in a protective transplant solution. Hair follicles are placed one by one in channels opened 0.7-1 mm wide in the balding area. During transplantation, attention is paid to the previous planning and the angle of inclination of the hair. Since both the donor area and the transplanted area are locally numbed, pain is not felt during the procedure. Depending on different factors, a single session of hair transplantation with the FUT technique takes 4-8 hours. If necessary, a new session can be done after 2 months. Since the effort and time spent is less, the price is lower than other techniques. This technique is especially preferred in patients with a high rate of baldness.

  1. FUE method

FUE (Follicular unit extraction) is a popular method applied to both women and men, with rapid and successful results in hair transplantation. In this method, hair follicles are collected one by one from the donor area and transferred to the bald or sparse area. A single session hair transplant can continue for 6-9 hours. During the procedure, meals and rest breaks can be given in between. After the application, the patient returns home. Depending on the size of the area to be transplanted, in other words, the number of hair follicles to be transplanted, a second session can be performed after 1-2 days. In addition to hair transplantation, it is a preferred technique for eyebrow, beard, mustache transplantation and wound repair. After the application, there is no scar on the scalp.

What should be done before hair transplantation?

There are things to be done in the process before hair transplantation. If this process is skipped, expectations may not be met. For this purpose, there are things to be done before and after coming to the hair transplant clinic. It is necessary to comply with the general rules that should be considered in many surgical procedures before hair transplantation

  • Clothes with front buttons or zippers should be preferred. Hair follicles may be damaged, as turtleneck clothes will exert pressure on the head area while they are being put on or taken off, and they will exert pulling force.
  • Smoking, alcohol, blood thinners, herbal teas and supplements should be discontinued a few days before the application.
  • A good breakfast should be made early in the day of hair transplantation. If the process will be done in the afternoon, the menu should be light.
  • When determining the day of hair transplantation, it is useful to choose a date where you can rest for 2-3 days after the procedure.
  • It is important to come to the clinic at the appointment time. Because the process will take quite a long time. Be sure to ask all the questions that will satisfy your curiosity.
  • The use of blood thinners and some painkillers (especially aspirin) just before the surgery date should not be used because of the risks of increasing bleeding. The use of drugs that the physician considers risky for surgery should also be discontinued. Herbal teas and natural food supplements should also be interrupted, as they may increase the risk of bleeding.
  • If possible, smoking and alcohol consumption should be stopped before the surgery because of its ability to reduce wound healing and blood oxygen level, weaken the immune system and increase infection.
  • If there is eczema or other similar skin diseases in the area to be transplanted, the disease should be treated by a dermatologist before hair transplant

What are stages DHI and FUE techniques?

  1. Stages of the DHI method

a) Preparation phase

 In order to determine whether the patient has a disease that will prevent hair transplantation, the patient is interviewed. It is learned whether the patient has undergone surgery before, the drugs he uses, allergy status, whether there are chronic diseases. If done, the results of the blood tests are evaluated and the hair transplant procedure is decided. Some centers also perform tests such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, hemogram and PT (bleeding time) before application.The patient's expectations for the area to be transplanted are evaluated. The patient is informed about whether the level of realization of these expectations is possible or how much of his wishes can be realized. The alternatives that can be applied are presented to the patient. The final design is determined by these explanations, which are made both by verbal expressions and by drawing. For hair transplantation design, it is determined how many grafts will be collected and in which regions the hair follicles will be distributed. Before hair transplantation, hair follicles are examined with a high-resolution imaging device. The type of patient's hair, the distribution of healthy hair follicles, the density of the hair and the degree of shedding, and whether the donor area is sufficient are determined.The patient is informed about what to do and what not to do in order for the hair transplant to be successful. The patient's concerns are relieved by giving realistic answers to the curious questions. The patient, who is dressed in a disposable apron, is prepared for local anesthesia. 

b)   Local anesthesia stage

In order to prevent pain during hair transplantation, painless anesthesia is applied by spraying method. After this painless numbing procedure, local anesthesia is applied in order to increase the effect of anesthesia. In some patients, the person can be anesthetized with sedation (wakefulness is in question)

c) Hair follicle collection and transplantation phase with DHI method 

Unlike other methods, hair transplantation with the DHI method is in 2 stages. In this technique, unlike the others, there is no grooving application.The hair follicles in the donor area are very strong and are not affected by the genes that cause hair loss. The revolving regions for hair transplantation are the nape region between the two ears and the above-ear region. If there is not enough graft in these regions, the chest and back region can also be used as a donor.Each collected hair follicle is carefully placed inside the Choi needle in the pen. Hair follicles are planted one by one at an angle of approximately 45 degrees (based on the patient's hair growth angle) to the area to be transplanted. The needle at the tip of the pen opens a channel on the one hand, and on the other hand pushes the hair follicle into the channel it opened on the scalp. While using at least 2 choi pens in hair transplantation with the DHI technique, approximately 9-12 Choi tips with varying diameters are used. According to the hair fiber thickness and skin structure determined before the hair transplantation process, this number of pens and tips of different diameters are kept ready. When the special area behind the DHI pen is pressed, the hair follicle at the tip of the pen is placed on the scalp. Normally, a channel must be opened for the graft to be placed. However, in the DHI method, hair transplantation is performed at the same time as the channel is opened, thanks to its special pen. One of the important advantages of the pen is that it can only make holes in the width of the hair root. The Implanter/Choi needle, which has a thin and cylindrical structure, is in the form of a channel. The hair follicle is placed forward along this channel. The physician places the tip of the pen in accordance with the angle of the hair and makes the transplantation. As with robotic hair transplantation and FUE technique, control is performed on the first day after hair transplantation with DHI. The washing process starts on the second day and continues for approximately eight days

With the DHI technique, the hair transplantation period is considerably shortened and a more successful transplantation is performed with the procedure performed without opening a canal. With the DHI method, hair transplantation is more frequent and more intense. This method, which is successfully applied to areas with no hair, is also used to tighten the sparse haired area. While the DHI method is generally practical for hair transplants of less than 2000 grafts, it is not suitable for people who are completely bald. It takes a very long time to transfer a higher amount of graft. For an image that will meet expectations, it is important to apply to reliable centers for the DHI hair transplantation method and to select teams formed of clinicians specialized in this field. New Way Clinic assurance and the success of its operations will be the guarantee of your natural and successful results.Dressing is done after the transplantation process is completed. There are also centers that apply ozone mesotherapy after the procedure. Bandage or mask application is also among the procedures performed after hair transplantation. 

  1. Stages of the FUE method

a)Preparation of the donor site (donor)

In order to determine the direction and angle of the hair follicle, the patient's hair is completely shaved and the head is washed with a special solution against the possibility of infection.

The borders of the donor area where hair follicles will be taken are drawn.

Local anesthesia is used to prevent the patient from suffering during the procedure.

The preparation phase lasts approximately 1 hour.

b)Removal of hair follicles

Hair follicles are extracted one by one from the numbed donor area with a manual or pen-like special pen-like micromotor with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 mm. Depending on the number of hair follicles to be used in hair transplantation, this period takes about 3 hours.

Extracted hair follicles are kept in a protective transplant solution.

Hair follicles are separated from the scalp under the microscope and cleaned and made ready for transplantation.

c)Preparation of the area to be transplanted

Marking is made in the head area according to the personalized hair transplant plan.

The area where hair transplantation will be performed is anesthetized with local anesthesia.

Channels suitable for the diameter and depth of the hair follicles to be placed are opened.

Preparation of the area to be transplanted depends on the number of hair follicles to be transplanted.

d)Transplantation of hair follicles

Hair follicles are placed one by one into channels opened in accordance with the natural angle of the hair.

Hair follicle containing a single hair is used to create the hairline.

Units containing two hairs are transplanted to the back of units containing single hairs, and units containing 3-4 hairs to the middle of the scalp.

Transplantation takes an average of 3 hours, depending on the number of hair follicles.


Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a full hair transplant cost in Turkey?

The most widely used pricing method worldwide is per graft pricing. However, in Turkey, pricing is done as packages instead. Hair transplant prices are generally offered as a package price per procedure. Hair transplant prices differ between clinics, the content of the package and the quality of the service are decisive. The selection should be made according to the prices that are close to each other and the quality of the service. The number of hair follicles transplanted, the size of the area to be transplanted, and the experience and price policy of the physician will be reflected in the price. If the hair transplant prices are well below or above the average, it would be more appropriate to approach cautiously. Undoubtedly, the first thing to do in this regard is to learn the price as an examination. Because the price of hair transplantation differs from person to person. 

The price of a 3000 graft hair transplant in Turkey ranges from $1,800 to $2,100. It should be mentioned that the kind of therapy selected affects the price of hair transplants in Turkey. However, the cost of a 5000-graft hair transplant might range from $2,500 to $4,300.

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What are the advantages and disadvantages of the DHI technique?

a)    Advantages ·        

Provides a more dense hair appearance·         Multiple hair follicles can be transplanted in a single session,·         Hair transplantation is performed without shortening the hair (without shaving) while preserving the existing hairy image. For this reason, it is also preferred in hair transplantation for women.·         After the hair follicles are taken from the donor area, they are placed in the protective transplant solution without waiting. In this way, the retention rate and the survival of the grafts are high.·         There is no need to open channels in this technique. Since the channel where the hair follicle will be placed will not be opened, the damage to the skin will be less. The damage to the skin with the needle of the DHI pen is at a lower level. Therefore, the risk of bleeding is lower in this procedure.·         Since there is no channel opening process, the risk of developing infection is reduced. For this reason, the DHI method is considered one of the most reliable hair transplantation methods.·         Canal width and root width are very close to each other. In other words, there is a high level of compatibility between the root and the canal.·         A perfect symmetry can be seen on the front hairline.·         Recovery is faster due to less damage to the skin. Quick return to daily life

b)    Disadvantages ·        

The application of this technique requires more experience than the FUE method. Although it is important for other techniques, education and experience are more important in DHI technique. The person who will do the planting should be more careful.·         It is a more costly procedure than the FUE method.·         If care is not taken when planting on the hairy area, there is a possibility of damaging other hair follicles with Choi tips.·         Fine and curled hair follicles should not be damaged when placed on the implanter tip of the DHI pen. In addition, the placement process may be more difficult than a straight hair follicle.·         The number of grafts that can be applied is lower than the FUE method. Although it varies from clinic to clinic, up to 2000-2500 grafts can be transplanted in the DHI technique, while this figure can increase up to 4000 grafts in the FUE technique. However, the most common number of graft transplants is 2000 for DHI and 3000 for FUE. In other words, the DHI process is longer.

What are the hair growth processes after DHI hair transplantation?

From DHI hair transplantation, 

a)12-14 days later

It is the most important stage after hair transplantation. Maximum care should be taken in terms of maintenance. The first week after hair transplantation is the critical period. Sowing scars heal and the formed crusts begin to fall off. 

b)1-3. between months 

During this time, weak and weak hairs begin to fall out. Newly planted hair usually starts to fall out at the end of the first month. This period of simultaneous shedding is called 'shock shedding' and is a normal process. Shock shedding time may be prolonged depending on many factors. In the third week after hair transplantation, swelling and redness around the hairline largely disappear. Shock shedding is a sign that permanent and stronger hair will begin to grow. Between the 2nd and 3rd months, the hair starts to grow again in the form of small hairs. Permanent hair comes out and begins to grow. After the first shedding, the hair follicles regain their characteristic structure and do not shed anymore. However, there may be shedding in the original hair that already existed in the same place. In this case, a new hair transplant can be done in the next process.

c)3-6. between months

Permanent hair is now getting stronger and growing. The hair is now defined. An intense image is formed. 

d)8-12. between months

Expected results are fully achieved at the end of 12 months. The hair is now thickened. The transplanted person can play with their hair, shape it, lengthen it or cut it short. These hairs are permanent and do not fall out.

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