Transgerder Surgery(Medioplasty)

Transgender Surgery

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure for feminizing gender affirmation. Vaginoplasty is surgery to create a vagina. It involves removing the penis, testicles and scrotum.

Vaginoplasty involves rearranging tissue in the genital area to create a vaginal canal (or opening) and vulva (external genitalia), including the labia. To create the vaginal canal, the surgeon uses a combination of the skin surrounding the existing penis along with the scrotal skin. Depending on how much skin is available in the genital area, the surgeon may need to use a skin graft from the abdomen or thigh to construct a full vaginal canal.

Vaginoplasty is typically a one-stage procedure. Some patients have their testicles removed (orchiectomy) before vaginoplasty, but this is not required. In fact, having the orchiectomy before your vaginoplasty can increase the risk of needing skin grafts.

You may need to have permanent hair removal before surgery. The surgical team will provide you with a template during your consultation for the areas that require hair removal. Patients are advised to start hair removal as soon as possible, since it can take three to six months to complete the process.

need additional surgical procedures to revise the appearance of the new vagina and vulva. Later revisions can improve aesthetic appearance, but these are not typically covered by insurance.

Sometimes, patients experience complications related to vaginoplasty. These can include narrowing of the vaginal canal or a fistula (an abnormal connection between the new vagina and the rectum or bladder). These complications are typically treated with another surgery.



Metoidioplasty is one of the surgical techniques for male-female genital reconstruction, which involves the transformation of the patient's vagina into a penis. In this surgery, it is aimed to make the clitoris enlarged with various urological arrangements and a penis by the effective use of testosterone hormone. When the testosterone hormone is applied regularly, the clitoris can enlarge as a natural result. Therefore, such surgeries are not artificial limb reconstruction surgeries.


The surgical procedure is performed using the individual's biological transformation process. After the penis construction surgery, prosthetic testicles are placed and the procedure is completed. Many different gender-positive operations can be performed to meet the demands of individuals who want to ensure the full integrity of gender reassignment surgeries using genital surgery methods. Surgical interventions to create a penis for the individual include metoidoplasty and phalloplasty.


During metoidioplasty, the clitoral ligaments are separated, allowing the clitoris to enlarge and reach an organ-like structure after birth. The length of the penis formed after the surgery varies between 5 and 7 cm. Whether it is a good size for sexual intercourse is related to one's expectations. However, for the most part, this is not a matter of concern. In addition, depending on the results trans men want to achieve, additional surgeries may be needed and these additional surgeries can improve the appearance and functional properties of the penis.