Women Genital Aesthetics


A beautiful appearance is among the issues that are important for both men and women. When the female body, which has always been the center of attention and attracts attention such as painting, sculpture, music, fashion, undergoes changes for various reasons, some problems may occur. The psychology of the woman who does not find herself beautiful is negatively affected, her self-confidence decreases, she is offended by mirrors and may experience some problems in her relationship with the opposite sex. Nowadays, women and men can act much more courageously and quickly when there are problems that make them unhappy in their appearance. One of the issues that women have aesthetic concerns about is the genital area. The aesthetically correct genital area increases the self-confidence of the woman and makes her feel much happier in her relationship with the opposite sex.

Component part of the genital structure

  • vagina
  • Big lips (Labium majus)
  • Small lips (Labium minus)
  • Hymen (Hymen)
  • Upper part of the lips-top region (Mons pubis)

The deformities experienced in these parts, which occur in the genital parts, do not only lead to a bad aesthetic appearance; Examples such as women's inadequacy, inadequacy in sexuality, dissatisfaction or embarrassment also cause. However, today, a significant part of women cannot express their aesthetic concerns despite their aesthetic concerns.

Everything to do about genital aesthetics

Placing aesthetic touches to the genital area by dividing them into sections. These can be grouped as follows:


Labiaplasty (Labium augmentation - interventions on large and small lips)

The lips called labium are the thicker and fuller parts that make up the external genitalia, that is, the large lips and the thin lips that are located more inside.

In time, sagging may be prolonged due to personal expansion or due to living. This causes image distortion. For example, a swimsuit may cause discomfort with raised structures in the front when wearing a bikini, or it may cause difficulty or painful passage by closing the entrance during sexual intercourse.

With a simple operation, these elongated or sagging lips can be shortened and shaped. Hollow, relaxed lips can be plumped.

After labiaplasty, the patient can return to daily life. However, during the recovery period, it is necessary not to have sexual intercourse for 4-5 weeks.


Vaginoplasty (Vaginoplasty – vaginal tightening procedures)

Vaginoplasty, popularly known as vaginal aesthetics, can be performed surgically or with a laser. Vaginal aesthetics with laser is a quick procedure. Over time, enlargements are common structurally or due to vaginal births. Such deformities can cause the pleasure of sexual intercourse to decrease or disappear by both men and women. Surgical intervention is performed by removing the loosened tissue excess and narrowing and rejuvenation of the surrounding tissues.


Recently, a very short and easy method of vaginal tightening is performed with the laser method in the office environment without the need for anesthesia. So much so that the devices developed for this purpose are reaching a more advanced stage day by day, and nowadays, vaginal tightening procedures can be performed much more effectively and successfully, provided that radiofrequency waves are used after laser.

Repairing postpartum tear scars (Reconstructive treatment of childbirth effects)

During vaginal delivery, episiotomy can be applied, that is, some incisions can be made in order for the baby's head to come out easily. In cases where these incisions are not repaired well, when bad suture technique is used, or when the vagina is torn spontaneously and uncontrollably without being prepared, ugly images may remain in the genital area. It is possible to get rid of this situation, which makes women seriously unhappy. Scar tissues can be simply removed using local anesthesia, the tissues are compared in a straight line and sutured again. In the meantime, the internal tissue loosening or sagging is corrected. After vaginal aesthetics, the patient can return to his daily life immediately, but during the recovery period, sexual intercourse is prohibited for up to 6 weeks.


Hymenoplasty (Suturing the hymen, virginal membrane)

Hymen repair requested by patients for social or familial reasons is also among the genital aesthetic interventions.


Plumping of the mons pubis (upper part of the vagina-lips area)

They are small interventions that are easy, fast and do not interrupt the daily life of the patient.


Barbie Vagina Aesthetics

In recent years, the wind of barbie vagina aesthetics has started to blow rapidly in genital aesthetics in our country, especially with western societies.

'Barbie vagina aesthetics' or 'barbie doll vagina' in the USA is the most sought after operation by patients in labiaplasty operations. In the Barbie look, it is aimed to minimize the inner lips and clitoris bumps at the maximum level, to have no skin tissue hanging out, and to have a straight, vertical line in the middle.

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