Skin Rejuvenations(Dermatology)

Skin Rejuvenation

Skin; age, gravity, the effect of genetic factors and the acquisition of an unhealthy lifestyle. Eliminating modifiable factors to delay skin aging can prevent the problem. In addition, surgical or non-surgical skin rejuvenation methods can be used to counteract unchangeable factors such as age and genetics. Today, different options stand out for people who prefer non-surgical facial rejuvenation methods.

What is non-surgical facial rejuvenation?

Non-surgical facial rejuvenation are common procedures that help people gain firmer, smoother and younger skin. They are also considered as an important alternative for surgical options. There are many different facial rejuvenation methods suitable for the patient's expectations and the area to be applied. Techniques, which are among the methods known as 'non-surgical skin rejuvenation' in the society, make non-surgical facial rejuvenation methods easier than surgical options.


What are the advantages of non-surgical facial rejuvenation?

Non-surgical skin rejuvenation techniques are more economical for the patient when compared to surgical applications.


The prices of non-surgical facial rejuvenation procedures are more affordable than the price of a facelift surgery.

The non-surgical facelift procedure is performed in a shorter time, and the patient does not experience discomfort such as pain and pain during the procedure.

Patients can return to their normal lives and perform their daily activities during the day after the procedure.

Since general anesthesia is not used in the procedures, the risks of complications that may be caused by surgery are also eliminated, and the patient spends the healing process comfortably.

Non-surgical facelift methods should be repeated at regular intervals.


What are the non-surgical facial rejuvenation methods?

Facial rejuvenation can also be done without surgery. For this, it is necessary to determine the method according to the needs of the patient. Sometimes one method is sufficient, sometimes several methods can be combined to perform skin rejuvenation procedures.

Some of the methods used for skin rejuvenation can be listed as follows:

Botox: Botox is one of the methods applied in skin wrinkles. It is a very effective method especially in the correction of the eye lines called crow's feet, in the case of frowning, forehead wrinkles, horizontal wrinkles on the edge of the nose. Botox is obtained from a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. It is a method that has been used for a long time. Botox obtained from this bacterium is applied to the areas needed by injection. Botox should be applied by a specialist dermatologist or plastic surgeon. The effect of Botox occurs within 72 hours after the application and the duration of effect is up to six months. It may need to be renewed at intervals determined by the practicing physician. It would be right to listen to the recommendations of the practicing physician, as there may be changes in mimics or facial expressions in people who have it done very often.


Filling: Another method that has been used for a long time in facial rejuvenation is filling. The filler both rejuvenates the face without the need for surgery and is easily applied and provides immediate results. The filler applied for a young and healthy skin without wrinkles also gives vitality to the skin. Fillers are also applied by injection. Pain or pain is not felt in the filling, as in botox. Its effect lasts for 8 to 12 months. Renewal times are determined by the recommendation of the practicing physician.


HIFU: Hifu is also known as focused ultrasound face lift. Hifu facial rejuvenation method increases the collagen production in the subcutaneous tissues through sound waves and provides tightening of the skin. It is mostly used for sagging in areas such as the face and jowl. Before the ultrasound face lift application, skin analysis is performed and the most appropriate treatment is applied. There is no pain in the Hifu technique, which is an ultrasound face lift application. It does not cause color change on the skin, the patient can quickly continue his daily life after a facelift with focused ultrasound. Many people are researching what is the price of hifu face lift. The price of this application varies according to the skin condition of the person. The method applied in a single session shows its effect up to 3 months. Facial rejuvenation is possible in a single session in patients.


Fotona: Fotona is an important facial rejuvenation application brought by technology. Fractional skin rejuvenation and rejuvenation, 4-dimensional facial rejuvenation are possible. In the application, numbing is done with local creams. A slight burning sensation may be felt during the procedure. This is a non-invasive method. In 4-dimensional facial rejuvenation, the skin is applied not only from the outside, but also from the inside of the mouth. This treatment, which is applied to the face area both from the inside and outside, penetrates the deepest part of the skin and stimulates collagen formation in the deeper layers of the skin where ordinary laser or non-invasive devices cannot penetrate. 4D facial rejuvenation stimulates the body's natural collagen production, resulting in firmer skin with increased elasticity. At the end of a total of 4-6 sessions, the skin regains a youthful appearance. With Fotona, wrinkles around the eyes can also be reduced. With this method, collagen production is provided, thus improving skin elasticity.


Thread lift suspension treatment: There may be sagging in the face area due to gravity and environmental conditions. Thus, the skin begins to look old. Suspension threads are placed under the skin with the thread suspension method. These threads are permanent for up to 2 years. It is important that the method is performed by a specialist doctor in a sterile environment. It is performed with local anesthesia, so pain is minimally felt. It should not be applied to those with advanced cancer, diabetes patients, people with coagulation disorders, those with inflammation due to infection in their skin, those with severe autoimmune diseases, children and pregnant women.


Mesotherapy: Mesotherapy is among the facial rejuvenation techniques. This application, which is made with fine-tipped needles, should also be applied at certain intervals. It is also used in skin spots, cellulite.


PRP: The blood taken from the body is centrifuged and filtered, and the platelet-rich part is separated and applied to the skin. It is a highly preferred method for rejuvenation.


Golden needle: Gold needle is a fractional radiofrequency method. It is applied to eliminate the negative changes that occur in the skin structure over time. Before the procedure, the face is cleaned and local anesthetic creams are applied to the face. Special needles are applied to the area to be treated for each patient. Combining it with PRP and mesotherapy increases its effectiveness. After the procedure, a slight redness occurs on the skin surface. The application area should be moistened and protected from the sun. After the session, there may be tiny crusts on the skin, they fall off on their own 3-4 days after the session. The face should not be washed on the day of the session.


How is non-surgical facial rejuvenation done? Which areas is it applied to?

Non-surgical skin and facial rejuvenation methods are very diverse. Non-surgical rejuvenation can be achieved with many methods such as HIFU, Fotona, French strap, gold needle, fractional co2, youth vaccine, botox, filler, dermamelan-cosmelan, laser, mesotherapy, PRP, Salmon DNA vaccine. However, these methods may need to be renewed at intervals specified by the physician. A technique suitable for the patient's needs and expectations should be determined. Non-surgical facial rejuvenation can be applied to areas such as cheeks, chin, neck and jowl.


Who can use non-surgical skin rejuvenation methods?

Surgical or non-surgical skin rejuvenation techniques can be applied to anyone over the age of 18. Those who complain of skin aging, wrinkling and sagging may prefer non-surgical facial rejuvenation techniques depending on their condition.

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