Gastric Balloon Surgery

The Gastric Balloon is a cutting-edge and easy approach to lose weight and permanently alter your relationship with eating. Working with a gastric balloon, several individuals have seen substantial weight loss.


What is gastric balloon?

The gastric balloon is an obesity treatment method that is both non-surgical and drug-free. It is ideal if you have tried dieting without long-term success but are ineligible for surgery or don't want to undergo a treatment that will change your life.The gastric balloon surgery aids in obtaining the health and aesthetic benefits of weight loss when combined with a controlled diet.

A soft, extensible balloon, a placement tube, and a filling system make up the gastric balloon system. The balloon is inserted orally by the surgeon, who then places it in your stomach and swells it with sterile saline solution. Depending on the type of balloon you choose, the gastric balloon is implanted for 4, 6, or 12 months before being removed, leaving your stomach and digestive system intact.You feel fuller even if there is less food in your stomach because the balloon, when full, is too big to travel into the bowel. Overall, a gastric balloon procedure can help you considerably cut back on your portion sizes and achieve your long-term weight loss objectives.

You will follow a liquid diet for the first two weeks following the placement of the gastric balloon, then gradually switch to a regular diet. Your medical team will give you instructions on any dietary restrictions.

Especially in the first three to four months of using the gastric balloon, you probably lose weight quickly. The average person loses 10 to 15% of their body weight by the end of the six-month program.

The gastric balloon might be a component of a well-rounded weight loss strategy. To maintain long-term good eating and exercise habits and to aid in preventing you from regaining weight once the balloon is removed, your doctor might also advise extra dietetic, behavioral, or medicinal therapy.

Is gastric balloon suitable for me? Who is a good candidate for gastric balloon?

Your physical and mental health are both significantly impacted by being overweight. It can cause low self-esteem, prohibit you from participating in family events, limit your ability to play sports or engage in other activities that could help you become in shape, and result in time off work due to illness or extreme exhaustion.

For patients who are extremely overweight, the intra gastric balloon is beneficial. To lower their risk of surgery, it is advised for those who need to lose weight to do so before having a weight loss operation. It is also advised for those who:

  • have serious health risks associated with their obesity;
  • have tried and failed to lose weight under a doctor's supervision; or
  • are not good candidates for obesity surgery.

A gastric balloon may be able to help you lose weight permanently and control other medical concerns including type 2 diabetes or high blood pressure if your Body Mass Index (BMI) is higher than 32.

For those who are deemed to be too obese to undertake necessary surgery, the gastric balloon operation may be especially beneficial. Successfully using the balloon to lose weight before surgery can also help to lower the risks involved in doing surgery on obese people.

Your advisor will verify your BMI score and perform a thorough evaluation before determining whether a gastric balloon is appropriate for you.

It may be a good solution if:

You're losing control

A gastric balloon can give you the boost you need to get back on track if you're having trouble managing your weight and are beginning to feel uneasy or dissatisfied.

We assist you in resetting your food and lifestyle habits so that you can start again by using the balloon and our committed aftercare assistance.

You're tired of yo-yo dieting

Dieting might be simple; the difficult part is maintaining your weight loss after you stop. If your behaviors don't alter, the weight will return and even increase a little.

Many people invest a lot of money in different diets with just temporary success. The gastric balloon package is unique because we work with you to alter your behavior for long-term success.

You have a special event

It makes sense that you would want to look and feel your best if an important occasion, such as a wedding, family gathering, or work conference, was coming up soon.

With an average weight reduction of 2-3 pounds and the majority of the weight loss occurring in the first three months, a gastric balloon can help you reach your short-term weight loss objectives.

You're a new mum

Women frequently gain weight while pregnant, and trying to shed this weight while juggling the duties of a small family can be challenging.

The gastric balloon is the best way to give you the boost you need to shed this extra weight, but since it is just temporary, your body will return to normal after it is removed.

The following conditions are not advisable for an intra-gastric balloon:

  • Prior gastric bypass surgery (includes any anti-reflux operation).
  • A hiatus hernia of 5 cm or more.
  • Serious coagulation issues (blood clotting).
  • An upper gastrointestinal lesion that may be bleeding.
  • Breastfeeding and being pregnant or wanting to become pregnant.
  • Substance abuse, alcoholism, or severe mental health issues.
  • Profound liver disease.
  • Any medical or clinical conditions that prevent you from tolerating or undergoing an endoscopy.

    What are the benefits of a gastric balloon?

    Avoiding invasive surgery and the related dangers is one of the main advantages of the gastric balloon. You can return home that same day because it only requires 15 minutes of moderate sedation. As a result, a gastric balloon is more affordable than a number of surgical alternatives. It is merely temporary and serves as support when you begin to get more active and reduce weight.

    Typically, patients who have gastric balloons lose between 20 and 30 percent of their body weight. However, based on unique factors, each patient's weight loss will be different.

    If the procedure is successful, you ought to be able to lose weight permanently. However, how well you stick to your new way of life will determine this.

    Any health issues linked to fat should be resolved with time, including:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (raised blood pressure)
  • Sleep apnoea
  • Mobility
  • Self-esteem.
  • However, the majority of people find that having a gastric balloon operation appeals because it is minimally invasive, doesn't require surgery, and can be completed in a single day with little disruption to everyday life.

    Laparoscopic gastric balloons are an alternative to both surgery and prescription medicine.

    It offers the following benefits:

  • No drug use
  • No surgical procedure (Stomach slicing or gastric bypass)
  • Cheaper than surgical alternatives
  • Temporary devices and reversible procedures
  • Non-invasive
  • A healthier lifestyle
  • Eating less portions
  • Quick (15–20 minute) process
  • Increased self-confidence

  • Appetite control
  • Lower risk of obesity-related health issues
  • Patients who might not be qualified for weight loss surgery can nevertheless access it

    If the procedure is successful, you ought to be able to lose weight permanently.

    But how well you can stick to your new way of life will determine this.

    What are the pros and cons of gastric balloon surgery?


  • There is no need for surgery.
  • Placing is quick and simple.
  • Note that placing certain balloons calls for anesthesia.
  • Weight loss is the outcome.
  • If used in combination with a diet and exercise plan, it could lead to long-term weight loss.
  • Depending on your beginning weight and lifestyle adjustments, you can anticipate losing 20 to 50 pounds.
  • Most patients lose between 10% and 30% of their entire beginning weight, or around 30% of their extra body weight.
  • While the balloon is in place, you could feel full more quickly and eat less.
  • Cons

  • Reflux of acid is widespread. Anti-reflux drugs like Prilosec or others are frequently recommended.
  • In the initial days, nausea and vomiting are extremely typical.
  • For the first several weeks, throwing up after eating is not unusual.
  • It is only passing. How will you maintain your current weight when the balloon is inflated?
  • Constipation is quite prevalent.
  • Sleeping issues might arise. Acid reflux while laying down or an unpleasant stomach may be the cause of sleep disruptions.
  • An uncommon danger of an overfilled saline balloon is acute pancreatitis (more here).
  • What does the gastric balloon operation involve?

    The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth. Your surgeon will first use an endoscopic camera to examine your stomach. If no anomalies are found, your surgeon will continue by inserting the balloon into your stomach through your mouth and down your oesophagus.

    A throat spray that numbs the neck area helps to make swallowing easier. The balloon is comprised of a soft, malleable silicone elastomer substance and is injected when in its smallest, deflated state.

    The balloon is inserted into your stomach and instantly filled with sterile saline through a short filling tube (catheter) linked to the balloon. After the catheter has been removed, your surgeon will gently tug on the exterior end of the catheter to relax your muscles.

    The balloon has a self-sealing valve, and at this point it is floating freely in your stomach.

    The placement process can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes, and then you'll be observed by the weight loss surgeon for a short period of time before being allowed to go home.

    İn detail:

    Swallowable balloons

    You are brought to the hospital's radiology department, where a gastroenterologist or surgeon will typically ask you to take a seat before passing you the capsule to ingest. With a glass of water, you will place the capsule on a long, thin tube at the back of your tongue and swallow it until the doctor can tell it has entered your stomach. X-ray will be taken to make sure it's in the right spot.

    Before pulling the tube back out of the mouth, the doctor will gradually fill the balloon with saline (saltwater) and take another xray to confirm the position.

    You can drive yourself home because you weren't put to sleep, and you can leave the clinic after ten minutes to make sure you're feeling okay. You will spend about 40 minutes in hospital and the implantation procedure will take 15-20 minutes.

    A supply of drugs will have been given to you in order to prevent nausea and safeguard your stomach wall while the balloon is in position.

    You should concentrate on changing your eating and exercise routines while the balloon is in place to maximize your weight reduction and develop routines that will help you keep it off once the balloon is taken out.

    A self-release valve on the balloon will activate around week 16 and let the harmless fluid to escape into the stomach. The little balloon casing will leave your body after passing through it, typically in a bowel movement. There is no requirement to schedule another appointment with the clinic.

    Endoscopic balloons

    You are escorted to the hospital's endoscopy suite, where the physician—usually a gastroenterologist or surgeon—will sedate you for your comfort before using a gastroscope to examine the interior of your stomach. This is done to ensure that the stomach wall is sound and that moving forward is safe.

    After accomplishing this, water is introduced into the stomach and the empty balloon is inflated. As soon as it is full, the water tube is drawn back, separating from the balloon, and a tight seal is created. You will be at the hospital for 3–4 hours, but the implantation procedure only takes 15-20 minutes.

    Before being sent home, you will be held in the recovery area for a little length of time to monitor your recuperation. A supply of drugs will have been given to you in order to prevent nausea and safeguard your stomach wall while the balloon is in position.

    You won't be able to drive yourself home after being sedated. You'll need a hor member of your family to drive you home.

    You should concentrate on changing your eating and exercise routines while the balloon is in place to maximize your weight reduction and develop routines that will help you keep it off once the balloon is taken out.

    You'll go back to the hospital either six or twelve months later to have the balloon taken out. Similar to how the balloon was placed, this is accomplished. The balloon will be pierced, drained of fluid, and then removed while you are under another round of anesthesia.   

    How soon will I recover from the gastric balloon procedure?

  • If there is no major adverse response to the balloon, you should often be able to return home the same day.
  • For the first several weeks, you can only eat liquids before moving on to soft meals and eventually solid food.
  • Depending on how quickly your stomach gets used to having a foreign item there, you should be able to go back to work in one to two days.
  • The nausea that the balloon might occasionally induce usually goes away within a day or two.
  • How much is gastric balloons in Turkey and UK?

    What is the price of a gastric balloon in the UK? In the UK, gastric balloons typically cost between £4000 and £8000. Numerous reasons contribute to this high price. The market for weight loss surgery is quite lucrative. Many people are seeking for strategies that significantly aid in their weight loss. Because patients believe they are at a loss for alternatives and have nowhere else to turn, private hospitals may charge whatever they want. By providing weight reduction surgery, including all types of bariatric surgery from service providers in Turkey, we are attempting to alter that.

    Many people, especially those who aren't eligible to have the procedure on the NHS, can pay to get weight loss surgery in Turkey. The NHS gastric balloon criteria outline certain requirements that a patient must meet in order to receive the procedure. For instance, gastric balloon surgery in Turkey might be up to 70% less expensive than in the UK. That implies that traveling to Turkey alone can help you save thousands of pounds. The process is precisely the same, utilizing the same goods while abiding by all necessary medical regulations. Additionally, Turkish surgeons have a very high level of training and expertise. Many of them are top surgeons in their respective fields.

    Prices for gastric balloons differ from clinic to clinic. Some clinics could have more expensive overhead expenditures or other business expenses. This might imply that they raise their pricing generally to cover these additional expenses. Additionally, some clinics or hospitals can get government or nonprofit support, allowing them to partially defray the cost to the patient. All of these and many more variables can affect how much a gastric balloon costs for weight reduction surgery throughout the world.

    Remember that a gastric balloon does not have a set price when estimating its cost in Turkey. The price will vary according on your destination, the balloon you select, and the number of tests you will have done following the treatment.

    Frequently asked questions

    Why is Turkey often preferred for gastric balloon surgery?

    One of the most often used procedures for weight loss surgery in Turkey is gastric balloon surgery. This bariatric surgery procedure is well-liked since it is among the less invasive procedures. Endoscopic administration of the gastric balloon is used in place of real surgery and operation. The gastric balloon surgery is precisely the same anywhere in the globe, including Turkey. Since all of the items are to a high medical standard and are regulated, there is no variation in their quality. Particularly when it comes to medical tourism, Turkey has very rigorous regulations for surgical procedures.

    The top weight loss surgery surgeons are located in Turkey, which is another excellent aspect. They sometimes set the global standard for bariatric surgical operations since they are the most qualified and experienced people in the world. A large portion of the thousands of patients who fly to Turkey each year for weight loss surgeries involves the gastric balloon surgery. Patients who want to reduce weight to enhance their health and wellness are using it increasingly frequently.

    How long Is the gastric balloon left in place?

    Longer periods of use are not advised because the balloon's material will deteriorate over time due to the stomach's acid content, which will result in the balloon deflating. If your surgeon advises using the balloon for longer than six months, the balloon must be replaced with a new one when the six-month mark has been reached. Your surgeon could recommend a course of oral medicine to lessen your stomach acid while the balloon is in place (this may reduce the possibility of stomach irritation and damage to the balloon).

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