Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Since you've tried diets and exercise for years but haven't lost much weight, are you thinking about getting a gastric sleeve? You should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages, the qualifications for surgery, and the long-term commitments required to maintain the outcomes.


What is the gastric sleeve?

The weight loss operation with the fastest global growth is the gastric sleeve (laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy). In the NHS, it currently performs more surgeries than the gastric band or gastric bypass thanks to its recent, fast growth in popularity.

The gastric sleeve is an easy idea to grasp. By using a laparoscope to access the abdomen, or "keyhole surgery," we may cut the stomach lengthwise and remove around 80% of it. Unlike a gastric bypass, a sleeve procedure leaves you with a considerably smaller stomach, but food still enters and exits the stomach in the same location as it did previously.

In two different methods, the sleeve promotes weight loss. It decreases stomach capacity and modifies the ratio of proteins and hormones in the stomach. Changes in gut hormones, such as those in GLP1, alter and reduce hunger. We anticipate that those who have sleeves will lose weight swiftly as a result.

It's vital to understand that your weight reduction isn't primarily influenced by how much stomach you still have. Whether you have a relatively "tight" or "loose" sleeve, the shift in gut hormones will make it easier to lose weight.

Who is the best candidate for gastric sleeve?

Ideally, everyone who is older than 18 and unable to reduce weight through normal means qualifies as a candidate. A body mass index of at least 35 with a comorbidity like Type II Diabetes, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol may also qualify. In order to maintain their weight loss after undergoing gastric sleeve surgery, patients must remain committed to their lifestyle adjustment.

If you've tried diet regimens but had little to no success, you're probably an excellent candidate for this gastric sleeve operation. It's critical to keep in mind that maintaining a healthy diet and active lifestyle requires a lifetime commitment. The operation reduces portion sizes by only allowing you to consume a particular quantity of food at a time, but to maintain the momentum, you must be prepared to stick with the plan for the rest of your life.

Do you have the ability to make dietary modifications and maintain your path? To fully appreciate the advantages of gastric sleeve surgery, talk about your specific case with a bariatric specialist.

What are the advantages of getting a gastric sleeve?

Because it produces outstanding weight reduction outcomes and health advantages, the gastric sleeve is the weight loss surgical technique with the fastest global expansion. Both have the added benefit of assisting patients in enhancing their quality of life.

Type 2 diabetes

For diabetics, the sleeve operation is good, and 80% of patients may anticipate a full recovery from their symptoms.

Raised Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

In 85–90% of people using medication to lower their blood pressure, the drug will be completely stopped.

Sleep apnoea

Patients experience less weariness and better sleep habits. With a CPAP machine, more than 85% of patients can cease.

Infertility and PCOS

For some sleeve patients, wanting to reduce weight in order to establish or expand their family is a crucial factor. Over 90% of sleeve patients have an improvement in underlying hormonal health and fertility restoration.

Arthritis and back pain

The fact that their weight is limiting their movement and creating joint discomfort is a crucial factor for many people. By lowering the load that joints are bearing, the sleeve can aid in this. According to studies, people who have sleeve surgery report having more mobility.

Mental health

This is an extremely significant advantage of the gastric sleeve. Patients frequently battle with mental health problems linked to their weight for a long time. According to studies, those who have sleeves say their symptoms of worry and depression have lessened. Additionally, many note a considerable increase in their general quality of life. Evidence suggests that patients who have undergone weight loss surgery are more likely to commit suicide than people in general. This is a complicated subject, and there are a lot of potential causes. One is that some individuals have a "dependence" on food that, when eliminated, occasionally spreads to alcoholism or drug abuse.

Other advantages

The gastric sleeve procedure is less complicated, faster, and safer than other bariatric surgery procedures. A sleeve gastrectomy is frequently tolerated by patients with medical issues that could preclude them from undergoing a lengthier treatment. The procedure is also considerably less likely to result in long-term nutritional issues because it doesn't reorganize your intestines.

Gastric sleeve surgery still provides good weight reduction and health advantages, even though the average weight loss is a little less than with more advanced weight loss procedures.

Similar to the gastric bypass, it causes quick and large weight reduction (>50%) and requires no external devices, such as an adjustable gastric band (AGB)

No gut bypass or rerouting of the food stream, like RYGB

No malabsorption;

A brief (2 days) hospital stay;

Changes in gut hormones that lower appetite, curb desire, and increase feelings of satisfaction


Is a permanent operation that carries the risk of long-term vitamin deficits.

A higher risk of early post-operative complications than the AGB

What should I do before the surgery?

The gastric sleeve procedure must first be approved by your medical team as a viable choice for you. For those who misuse drugs or alcohol, or who can't commit to a long-term change in lifestyle, weight-loss surgery is not recommended.

You must engage in a bariatric surgery education program before undergoing surgery. You may use this to prepare for surgery and adjust to life after surgery. You'll receive dietary guidance. Additionally, you could undergo psychiatric testing. You'll also require tests and physical examinations. Blood testing are required. An upper endoscopy or imaging tests of your stomach are both options.

Smokers must give up many months prior to surgery. Before surgery, your surgeon can advise you to reduce your weight. Your liver will get smaller as a result, making surgery safer. In the days leading up to your operation, you must cease taking aspirin, ibuprofen, and other blood-thinning medications. Prior to surgery, you shouldn't consume any food or liquids after midnight.

Before you consent to the process, be sure you are aware of:

  • The test's or procedure's name
  • Your motivation for having the test or procedure
  • The risks and advantages of the test or operation;
  • The expected results and what they indicate;
  • The potential side effects or problems;
  • When and where the test or process will take place;
  • Who will do it and what their credentials are;
  • What would happen if the exam or procedure were to be skipped;
  • Alternative tests or procedures to consider;
  • How and when will you receive the outcomes?
  • Who to contact after the test or procedure if you have concerns or issues
  • How much the test or treatment will cost.

How a gastric sleeve is done?

A gastric sleeve is often performed via laparoscopic or robotic operations. This implies that your doctor will carry out the procedure through minor incisions rather than making a major incision (or cut) to expose your abdominal cavity and gain access to your organs. Although this facilitates faster recovery, certain patients may benefit more from open surgery, depending on their circumstances.

Gastric sleeve surgery steps:

  1. You will get general anesthetic from your surgeon, which will put you to sleep during the surgery.
  2. To place a port, the surgeon will create a tiny cut in your belly (approximately 1/2 inch long). To make your abdomen bigger, they'll push carbon dioxide gas via the port.
  3. Next, a tiny, illuminated video camera called a laparoscope will be inserted via the port. Your interior will be displayed on a screen by the camera.
  4. Using long, narrow instruments, your surgeon will finish the process through one to three more incisions and introduce more ports.
  5. They will split and separate the remaining portion of your stomach using a surgical stapler after measuring out the gastric sleeve.
  6. After your wounds have been stitched up, your surgeon will remove the remaining stomach.

What to expect after a gastric sleeve? What happens first week after gastric sleeve? How long does it take to recover from gastric sleeve?

Even while many patients recover sufficiently to return home the day following surgery, we prefer to have patients stay for an additional night so that we can monitor them and be as certain as possible that there is not a bleed or a staple line leak. You will return to your room following surgery, where the ward staff will continue to monitor you. Instead than re-admitting you at a later time, it is preferable to discover and address issues before you leave for home. Your surgeon will visit you and determine when you can be discharged according on how well you are recuperating.

For the first week or two, your diet will consist only of liquids. You'll receive a schedule of the different meal kinds to eat during the next weeks from your surgical team. Liquids are followed by pureed foods, soft foods, and finally conventional meals. Every meal should be quite tiny. Eat slowly and thoroughly chew each piece of food. Don't transition to regular food too rapidly. Vomiting and discomfort may result from this. Determine the healthiest foods for you to eat by consulting your medical team. You'll need to alter your eating habits after your stomach has healed. Due to your tiny stomach, you must consume little meals.

Surgery for weight reduction patients may make it difficult for them to receive adequate vitamins and minerals. This is due to the fact that they consume less food and perhaps absorb fewer nutrients. You might also need to take a calcium-vitamin D supplement in addition to a daily multivitamin. You might require more vitamins and minerals like iron or vitamin B-12. You'll get instructions from your medical team.

In the first year following surgery, you will require periodic blood tests every few months. This is to ensure that you do not have low calcium or vitamin D levels, high blood glucose levels, or low blood iron (anemia). You might require medication to lower stomach acid if you frequently get heartburn.

It is possible to gain back some of the weight you lost after losing it. Make sure you eat healthily and exercise frequently to prevent this. Over time, the sleeve may enlarge (dilate). As a result, you can consume more. But remember that you risk gaining weight if you overeat. To help you maintain your new eating habits, you might wish to join a support group for people who have had weight-loss surgery.

The majority of sleeve patients spend two nights in the hospital before returning home. After surgery, you should start to feel considerably more at ease approximately 2 weeks later, but it usually takes 6 to 8 weeks for your stomach to fully recover.

Frequently Asked Questions About Gastric Sleeve

How much does it cost to get gastric sleeve in Turkey? Why is surgery so cheap in Turkey? How much is weight loss surgery in Turkey?

The complexity of the procedure, the type of anesthetic utilized, the surgeon's skill, and the location of the operating room all affect how much an gastric sleeve will cost.

The cost of an gastric sleeve will depend on your cosmetic surgeon's skills and experience, including his training, certificates, specialties, and length of time doing this procedure. Other factors, besides the cost, include the doctor's approach, which calms the patient and lessens difficulties before, after, and during the procedure. To the extent that you can view the cost as a minor concern, the surgeon's training and expertise are crucial. The position of the clinic can also determine the price.

This amount is considerably lower than the prices in Europe and America. One of the most important reasons why Turkey is preferred for gastric sleeve (besides its good health infrastructure and the availability of successful physicians) is its low operation prices. Cost of a gastric sleeve in Turkey is 4000 USD (approximately 3500 EURO or 3000 pound ) which is an affordable option compared to abroad.

Is gastric sleeve surgery painful?

Following gastric sleeve surgery, some pain is typical. Although the gas (carbon dioxide) used to inflate the abdomen during the procedure may cause some slight left shoulder pain, the pain will typically come from the belly. But whatever discomfort you may feel is typically swiftly relieved by inexpensive medicines.

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