All on Four

All on Four Dental Implants. All on Four Cost

With the All on four dental implant treatment, it is possible to have healthy teeth and an aesthetic mouth appearance. This treatment, which is applied to patients with missing a large number of teeth in the mouth, is highly preferred because it has some advantageous aspects. In this article, you can find detailed information about All on four implant treatment.

What is all on four dental implant treatment?

Implant technique has been done successfully in dentistry for years and good results are obtained. It is possible to achieve healthier and more aesthetic teeth with implant treatment, which has been applied since 1965. However, placing implants one by one in patients who have no teeth or have lost many teeth will increase the risk as complications will be more. At the same time, the treatment will be very costly for the patient. In 1998, a Portuguese dentist and his specialists applied the all-on-four technique for the first time, bringing this type of treatment to dentistry.

All on 4 implant treatment is a popular application especially preferred by people who are missing a large number of teeth in their mouths and who want to have a durable mouth structure in a shorter time. Standard implant treatment requires a separate implant for each tooth. Making a separate operation for each tooth increases both the workload and the costs. All on four implant treatment provides satisfactory results in this case and is more advantageous. All teeth are placed in a mold on the implants placed at different angles to the jawbone. Even in cases where the jawbone is not suitable for implant, successful results are achieved by applying this treatment.

Who is the All on 4 dental implant treatment applied to? What are the advantages of All on four?


This app is especially ideal for the treatment of the following group of people.

  • Some patients may not have any teeth in their mouths. Some may have very few teeth left. One of the treatments that people with both no teeth and very few teeth will apply is All on four implant treatment.
  • People with broken or wobbly teeth can have this treatment in addition to the standard implant technique. However, it should not be forgotten that teeth will need to be extracted for this treatment.
  • People who have a broken tooth root and cannot use this tooth
  • Most of the people using traditional removable dentures are not satisfied with the prosthesis they use. Removable prostheses cause many problems. As an alternative to their prosthesis, these people can have this treatment. Removable prostheses face some problems while eating. They may hit the dentures on their palate or drop them from their mouths from time to time. Traditional prostheses can cause pain and do not fully meet expectations in terms of appearance. One of the most preferred treatments to get rid of these problems is the all on four implant technique.
  • People with osteoporosis in the jawbone can have this treatment. In order to perform standard implant treatment, the jawbone must be durable and have a certain density. If the jawbone is not in the desired anatomical and physiological structure, some preliminary treatments may be required. Bone grafting requires grafting to the bone and strengthening the bone by enlarging it. However, there is no need to do this application for all on four implant treatment. Implants placed in the mouth at different angles cause the desired durability even if the jawbone is weak.
  • This application is more economical than the standard implant technique. For this reason, it is ideal for those who are considering a more economical treatment. In the standard implant technique, a separate implant is required for each tooth. People who are missing a large number of teeth in the mouth will need to have more implants. In this technique, even if there are few teeth in the mouth, the desired result can be achieved with 4 implants.
  • In order not to have this treatment, there should be no risky disease. In other words, the health status of the person who is considering an implant for treatment should be favorable. Chronic diseases should be kept under control with drugs taken. Uncontrolled diabetes and high blood pressure, organ transplants, people using drugs that weaken the immune system, hemophilia patients, metastasized cancers may pose a risk. Treatment should be considered after consultations are made.

How is all on four dental implant treatment done?

There are 2 main stages for this treatment. In the first stage, implants are placed where necessary. The application is performed with 4 implants. It is waited for approximately 3 months for the implant and bone to fuse. In the other stage, the permanent prosthesis prepared after the measurements is placed on the implants.

The general stages can be listed as follows.

In the first step, the patient is examined and it is determined whether he is suitable for treatment. Since it is an invasive procedure, the general health status of the patient should not interfere with the treatment. It is learned how many surgeries have been performed before, the drugs used routinely for chronic diseases, whether there is an allergy to any object. Risks are determined and some tests are performed when necessary. Possible complications of the application and the ways to be followed are explained to the error.

The structure of the jawbone is very important for the success of the treatment. In this regard, before the treatment, the size, density, strength and melting of the bone are determined by some imaging systems (x-ray, tomography). After these imaging procedures, it is determined where and at what angles the 4 implants to be used in the treatment will be placed.

Since invasive procedures will be performed on both the jawbone and the gingiva during the treatment, anesthesia is required. The mouth area is anesthetized with local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain during the operation. Although very rarely, sedation anesthesia can be preferred for people with a very low pain threshold and severe anxiety and fear.

Fractured, broken tooth root and loose teeth that cannot function are removed before the implant is inserted. With the implants and prosthesis to be placed, the functions of the lost teeth are regained.

4 implants are placed at different angles in the appropriate places in the jawbone. The locations of the implants are determined using previous examination and imaging systems. The dentist examines the results of the imaging systems and places the implants where the jawbone is most durable. By using advanced computer systems and using a simulation program, the most suitable prostheses for the patient's oral structure are prepared. These guide prostheses guide the insertion of 4 implants.

It takes approximately 3 months for fusion to occur between the jawbone and the implants. During this period, temporary prostheses are used and all activities are performed with these prostheses. Temporary prostheses are used until the permanent prosthesis is used.

After the fusion process is completed, the temporary prosthesis is replaced with the permanent prosthesis. After the measurements are sent to the laboratory, the technician prepares the appropriate hybrid prosthesis. This prosthesis is permanently placed in the patient's mouth. Porcelain, zirconium or Emax veneers can be used on the implant.

What should be considered after all on four dental implant treatment?

After all on four dental implant application, the recommendations of the physician should be followed in order to avoid complications and to have a rapid recovery. Paying attention to the following points will increase success

Tampons should be used. All on four implant treatment is an invasive procedure. Since there is damage to the gingiva, there will be bleeding in the form of leakage after the operation. For this reason, the tampon should be kept in the mouth after the procedure is finished. It stays in the mouth for as long as the dentist recommends. The tampon is kept in the mouth by biting for 30 minutes. Since there may be bleeding in the form of leakage, the tampon should be kept in the mouth.

It is undesirable to overwork the muscles in the mouth. Especially in the hours after the operation, excessive talking should not be done, severe spitting should not be performed, and the muscles in the mouth should not be stretched too much by laughing. These listed behaviors can increase bleeding. On the first day, the mouth should be shaken vigorously and the tongue and wound area should not be irritated.

It is natural to have mild pain after the operation. There will be pain as there is an incision in the gum and damage to the jawbone. After the effect of the anesthetic substance wears off, mild pain begins. Using painkillers that the physician will prescribe to your prescription will relieve you. However, painkillers such as aspirin that dilute the blood and cause bleeding should not be used. Antibiotics given by the doctor should also be used regularly.

Smoking and alcohol should not be used before and after all on four implant treatment. These objects, which have been scientifically proven to be harmful, have effects such as increasing bleeding, delaying wound healing, weakening the immune system. In this case, smoking is a reason for treatment failure.

Keeping the operation area below the heart causes an increase in blood flow to that area. In this case, edema and swelling occur in that area. For this reason, pillows should be placed under the head while lying down and the head should be kept above the level of the heart. This is especially important in the first days. Thus, edema and pain due to edema are reduced.

Cold treatments on the operation area reduce swelling and bleeding. For this reason, it may be useful to apply cold compresses as recommended by the dentist. For this, cold gels or ice are used. Cold compress treatment reduces edema and bleeding. While doing this process, the ice should not be kept on the skin for too long. Otherwise, frostbite may occur.

To maintain oral health, attention should be paid to oral care. After 1-2 days, teeth should be brushed and an interface brush and dental floss should be used. You can start using mouthwash after 1 day. Mouth care should be taken care of. Mouthwash can be used from the 2nd day. It is better not to use mouthwash on the first day. The risk of infection increases due to bleeding. This risk can be reduced by using mouthwash.

It is necessary to be sensitive during the eating process. Food should not be eaten until the effect of the drug has passed. Otherwise, the tongue or cheek may be bitten. Since the mouth is sensitive and the mouth muscles should not be moved excessively, liquid foods should be consumed in the first days. Very hot, very cold and acidic foods and drinks should not be consumed for a while. Since it is sensitive, it can cause pain and irritate the wound area.

It is necessary to be very careful while eating after the treatment. Especially in the first 2-3 hours, since the effect of the drug will continue, the tongue or palate may be accidentally bitten while eating. In the first days after the operation, it should be tried to consume soft and liquid foods. Foods and drinks should not be too hot, too cold or acidic. While eating, the other side should be used as much as possible, not the place where the process is made. A healthy and balanced diet will also affect recovery.

In case of infection, fever, and ongoing severe pain, the physician should be informed. Routine dental examinations should be done at 6-month intervals.

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