All on Six

Everything About All on 6 Dental Implant Treatment?

All on 6 dental implant treatment, like all on four implant procedure, is a treatment applied by people who have no or very few teeth in their mouths. Patients gain a healthy and aesthetically pleasing mouth structure in a short time. You can continue reading our article for detailed information.

What is the All on 6 dental implant treatment?

All on 6 implant treatment is the complete reconstruction, restructuring of both the upper jaw or the lower jaw (or both). Before starting the treatment, radiological and/or tomographic imaging and mouth measurements are made. The places where the implant will be placed are determined in the jawbone. The two basic elements of the treatment are the implants that serve as the root of the tooth and the prosthesis consisting of the teeth placed on the implant. As the name suggests, 6 titanium implants are placed in the jawbone. Bridges consisting of 10-12 teeth are placed on the implants placed at appropriate angles.

In particular, he can consider this treatment for people in 3 groups. All on 6 implant treatment may be considered a good option if it is necessary to replace all teeth in the upper or lower jaw (or both jaws). In cases where there is loss of density or melting in the jawbone, extra treatments are required to perform implant treatment (such as bone grafting), while pre-treatment is not required for this treatment. In other words, patients with affected jawbone may prefer this treatment. People who use dentures and have various problems while using them can also turn to all on 6 treatment to get rid of these problems.

All on 6 implant treatment with a brief statement,

  • People who have lost all or most of their teeth for various reasons.
  • Those with decayed and wobbly teeth that can no longer function
  • People with traditionally removable prosthesis suffer from some difficulties due to their prosthesis, as stated above. These people may complain about the difficulty of oral cleaning due to the dentures hitting the palate, the dentures coming out or falling out of the mouth while speaking or eating, and the presence of food residues under the denture.
  • In cases where there is loss of jawbone due to loss of many teeth.
  • In standard implant treatment, one implant treatment is applied for each tooth and therefore the price is quite high. In this treatment, a total of 6 implants are used for lost teeth. For this reason, it may be suitable for those who are considering relatively lower-priced treatment. However, it should not be forgotten that all on 4 implant treatment can be more economical as 4 implants are used.
  • People with poor general health are not good candidates for this treatment. First of all, the state of health should be made suitable for treatment.

Some special conditions and diseases may increase the risk of treatment. For this reason, detailed consultations should be made for those considering treatment. If there are some diseases, alternatives should be chosen instead of treatment.

  • Presence of metastases showing that the cancer has progressed
  • Cases of organ transplantation where the immune system is suppressed
  • People who use drugs that weaken the immune system and make it more susceptible to diseases.
  • People who have had a lot of radiotherapy in the mouth and neck area.
  • Those with diabetes, high blood pressure, or hemophilia that cannot be controlled with medication

What are the advantages and complications of All on 6 dental implant treatment?


It is possible to reach a solution in a short time for people who have no or very few teeth in their mouths.

Usually, bone grafting is not needed. Implants are placed in the most durable parts of the jawbone at appropriate angles.

The jawbone is preserved

Prevents gingival recessions

Since the implants are placed on the same day, it is possible to get fast results.

Pain is relieved.

Problems caused by removable prosthesis are eliminated

There is no slippage in the prosthesis, it is fixed.

Appearance becomes more aesthetic.

Biting and chewing power increases.

It is more economical than standard implant treatment (as there is no separate implant for each tooth and 6 implants are sufficient)

Long lasting (can last more than 20 years)

Since the number of invasive procedures (surgery, damaging procedure) is less, the recovery time is faster than standard implant treatment.

The patient's self-confidence increases, his psychology improves, and his social life phobia disappears.



delay in healing

bleeding and bruising

Swelling in the operation area

Poor fusion between the bone and the implant (i.e. osseointegration failure, especially due to smoking, pregnancy and diabetes)

Rarely, nerve damage, numbness

Color change in permanent dentures

How is All on 6 dental implant treatment done?

  • Before the treatment, the physician examines the patient. The general health status of the patient is evaluated. Routine drugs used, chronic diseases of the patient, whether he is allergic to anything, and his expectation about the implant are learned. Their preferences for the implant-supported structure are evaluated.
  • Teeth and gingiva are displayed. For this purpose, imaging systems with radiological or 3D scanning are used. Bone structure and density are monitored. By using imaging systems, the most suitable areas to be implanted are determined.
  • The patient's mouth is anesthetized with anesthetic agents and the patient is prepared for the operation. If the patient's state of anxiety and fear is very high, sedation anesthesia may also be preferred very rarely.
  • The patient's teeth and gums may not be suitable for treatment. For this reason, in the presence of caries, loose teeth or gum disease, these treatments are performed first.
  • Implants are placed in previously selected places.
  • After this procedure, the prepared prosthesis should be placed on the implants. However, the implants and the jawbone must be fused. A temporary prosthesis is used until the fusion is complete. The fusion is completed in 3 months on average. A temporary prosthesis is placed on the implants.
  • In the laboratory, a permanent prosthesis is made in accordance with the mouth measurements taken before. The dentist may want to come to appointments during the prosthesis preparation phase. Permanent prosthesis suitable for the prepared model is prepared.
  • After the permanent prosthesis is made, the treatment is completed. The dentist gives advice to the patient. It tells what to do after the treatment. Writes a prescription.

Frequently Asked Questions


How much are the prices of All on 6 dental implant treatment?

Clinics and health centers approved by the Ministry of Health are prohibited from posting the prices of treatments on their websites. Base prices for dental treatments are written on the website of the Turkish Dental Association. However, costs are added to this base price and the actual price is formed. There are different factors that determine the price of All on 6 implant treatment. Factors such as the first examination, control visits, CT or X-ray scans, implant brand, material used for the prosthesis, experience of the dentist, location of the clinic, number of implants determine the price. Some clinics may offer lower prices. Although not every low price is an indicator for the success of the treatment, the dentist should be asked what the price includes. The most accurate way to find out the price is to be examined by a dentist known for successful operations.

Will there be pain during All on 6 dental implant treatment?

During treatment, damage to the jawbone and gums occurs. To attach the implant, the jawbone is opened and the implant is placed. An incision is needed in the gums. In this regard, before starting the treatment, the patient's mouth is anesthetized using local anesthetics. Due to the numbing process, the patient does not feel pain while undergoing all on 6 implant treatment. The effect of the drug ends after approximately 2 hours. After this period, there may be mild pain in the damaged areas due to the incision and the opening of a socket in the jawbone. The pain in question is 1-2 days after the operation. evident these days. You can spend this period comfortably by using the painkillers that the physician will prescribe to your prescription. The cold applications you will make during this period will also be effective in reducing both your pain and swelling due to the operation. Keeping the head up (putting a pillow under the head while lying down) is effective in reducing the pain caused by swelling. When applying cold treatments, care should be taken not to leave it on the skin too much. Otherwise, frostbite may occur. It is necessary not to use painkillers and derivatives such as aspirin, which have the ability to dilute blood and increase bleeding, for pain relief.

What is the difference between the All on 6 dental implant technique and standard implant treatment?

In the standard implant technique, an implant is made for each tooth. In addition, if there is a need for bone grafting, sinus lifting, which is also called bone grafting before this treatment, standard implant treatment is essential. In the All on 6 implant treatment, instead of making one implant for each tooth, 6 implants are placed. In addition, procedures such as bone grafting and sinus lift are not required before this treatment. In case of loss of density and melting of the bone, 6 implants are placed in the most durable parts of the bone. In the standard implant treatment, the implant placed perpendicular to the chin is placed at an angle in this treatment. Thus, it is possible to get more support from the bone. It should not be forgotten that the treatment will be more expensive, as it will be necessary to make one implant for each tooth in traditional implant treatment. Recovery is faster in All on 6 implant treatment. Because the number of procedures (slot opening, etc.) is less compared to standard implant treatment.

Treatment steps, recovery after treatment, advantages of treatment, risks and complications, and all other relevant factors are pretty much the same for all on 4, all on 6 and all on 8. The difference between other implant treatments is only the number of implants. The number of implants used to hold a dental bridge in place is 6, while others have 4 or 8. The patient must have sufficient bone density and strength to have 6 or 8 implants. This is important for a stable and tight fixation. Otherwise, all on 4 is more appropriate. This treatment is more common than all on 6 and 8 implant treatment. The higher the number of implants, the stronger and stronger new teeth are obtained. In addition, if 6 or 8 implants are placed instead of 4 implants, the mouth pressure is more evenly distributed to the jaws. Therefore, we recommend you to read our all on 4 article as well as the all on 6 article.

Can I have all on 6 dental implant treatment without removing all my natural teeth?

All on 6 implant treatment is a treatment plan in which the entire dental arch is replaced. In other words, there is no treatment when there is any natural tooth in the mouth. Existing natural teeth need to be extracted. In the case of remaining healthy teeth, standard implant treatment or other alternative treatments are more appropriate.

What is the best material for All on 6 dental implant treatment?

Today, almost all dental implants in the field of dentistry are made of titanium, which is a biocompatible material because it fuses well with bone and is accepted by the body. The prostheses attached to the implants can be made of porcelain, acrylic or zirconium.

Does the All on 6 dental implant treatment provide comfort?

All on 6 implant treatment provides comfort by solving most of the dental problems of the patient. It gives the patient the opportunity to feel the implants as their own natural teeth. It does not have the feature of constantly slipping and falling, as in removable prostheses. You will probably forget that you have implants instead of natural teeth when you have all on 6 implant treatment.

You can contact us to get detailed information about all on 6 dental implant and to be examined. You can also read our article about All on four.

This article is for informational and advisory purposes. The recommendations of your doctor, who will examine you and perform the treatment, should be a priority.

We wish you healthy days.

Call us for detailed information: +90 242 247 47 37

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