Types of Cancer Treatments

Cancer Treatments Department

The Comprehensive Cancer Program was created in order to support each of our patients and their relatives before, during and after the diagnosis, whenever they need it and in every way they need it. Our program continues to develop day by day in the light of advances and technologies in Turkey and the world.

We are proud of being a pioneer in the field of health services, as our American Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Program, which we have carefully created for every need of our patients, is the first in Turkey.

Hormone Therapy

Some cancers, such as prostate cancer and breast cancer, grow and develop in the presence of certain substances called hormones in the body.

Hormonal therapy is used in the treatment of breast, prostate cancer and reproductive system cancers by changing the amount of hormones in the body.

For example, tamoxifen reduces the amount of estrogen in the body and is used in the treatment of hormone-sensitive breast cancer.

Hormonal therapy also has potential side effects, which usually go away with the completion of treatment. Side effects depend on the drug used and vary between men and women.

Our Comprehensive Cancer Program Provides The Following Services:

With our pre-diagnosis Check-up department, we inform our patients about cancer risk factors and perform necessary cancer screenings in order to catch cancer at the earliest stage. In addition to laboratory, radiological imaging tests, PET-CT examinations for our patients diagnosed with cancer, we organize appointments that are deemed necessary such as medical oncology, surgery, radiation oncology, and pathology.

We try to help patients and their relatives feel more comfortable in all processes in our hospital, with the support of our patient care coordinators, who are assigned to each patient from their first appointment.

Our coordinators are in constant communication with the patients and their relatives, informing them before their appointments, being with them during and after the examination, providing the organization for new examinations, consultations and other meetings if necessary, and taking an active role in planning the future stages of the treatment.

Patients and their relatives can reach the patient care coordinators responsible for their treatment at any time of the day and share all their questions and developments regarding the process.

With our experienced oncology staff, we apply the most up-to-date treatments worldwide to our diagnosed patients, while informing patients and their relatives about side effects, management of side effects and quality of life.

With a multi-faceted and holistic treatment approach, we provide support to patients and their relatives in all matters they need, from healthy life and nutrition counseling to psychological counseling, taking into account their social and psychological needs.

We have a team of professional translators serving in many different languages in order to facilitate the communication of our patients coming from abroad and make them feel more comfortable. Our patients can reach the translator who takes care of them at any time of the day for any subject they need. 

All specialists in the units come together at our cancer meetings, which are held on a weekly basis for all patients diagnosed with cancer in our hospital and which we create separately for each type of cancer. In these meetings, he expresses his views on the general condition of the patient, his problems, the medical process and the processes related to the treatment. In these cancer meetings/councils, where each case is discussed one by one, the most successful treatment plan for the patient is decided together, taking into account the developments in Turkey and the world.

Call us for detailed information: +90 242 247 47 37

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